International staff and faculty

United Kingdom


Dr Syed K.I. Bakht

Since 2015 he has been the Director of Academic Affairs at Paris Graduate School. His role is to advise, recommend and influence the senior managers and academic faculty on academic policy issues, both proactively for future developments and responsively on specific/current issues.

Syed has been instrumental in developing global Higher Education for the past 30 years. He has taught and held teaching and academic roles in many well known global institutions. This has included Bradford University, Cumbria University, University of Wales Cardiff, The London School of Commerce, North South University, American International University. His teaching abilities and knowledge has been greatly enhanced over the past two decades. He regularly received “Excellent” Teaching evaluations from students, peers and management

In 2005 Syed also set Up Progemini Consulting Group as it Founder Director Progemini is an Executive Training and Higher Education Specialists Consulting agency based in Manchester and London. Syed was also appointed as a UNDP Consultant between 1999 – 2001.

He gained his BA (Hons) in Business & Management from Liverpool University. MBA at Bradford University Management Centre PhD from the American University and his area of specialism was in Cross Cultural Management and HRM. He is also a member of Institute for Learning (IFL) and a Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy HEA).

Professor Dr David Weir

David is one of the top academics in Britain. He has been Director of the Management and Business Schools at the Universities of Glasgow, Bradford, Northumbria (from which he is an Emeritus), University Campus Suffolk and Liverpool Hope. He has held Chairs at several other Universities including CERAM (now SKEMA) in France and as Visiting Professor or Affiliate Professor at the Universities of Lancaster, Lincoln, West of England, ESC Rennes, York St. John and has taught at many other senior business schools and Universities, worldwide.

He has worked with many international institutions including University of Botswana, University of Mauritius, ISCAE (Morocco), National Graduate University (Libya), ESAN (Peru) and the African Association of University Vice Chancellors, UNESCO, UNIDO, the World Bank, EURECNA, The Government of the Netherlands and the Islamic Development Bank. He has supervised more than sixty PhD theses on aspects of international management.

He is active in research and scholarly publication and has published extensively on management in the Arab world and expatriate managers and most recently co-authored The New Post-oil Arab Gulf: Managing People and Wealth  published by Al-Saqi and From Critique to Action: The Practical Ethics of the Organizational World (New Insights) published by Cambridge Scholars. He was the first elected Chair of the Association of Business Schools and has been a Chair and member of committees of the Economic and Social Research Council and the Science and Engineering Research Council and of the Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA). David has also presented and led tracks at the Academy of Management, the European Academy of Management, the European Group for Organisational Studies, the British Academy of Management. He chairs the Editorial Advisory Board of Cambridge Scholars and has been a strategic advisor to Emerald publishers for many years.

He is a Foundation Fellow of the Leadership Trust, a Burgess (Freeman) of the City of Glasgow, a  member of the advisory board of BRAIS (British Association of Islamic Scholars) and a Companion of the Chartered Institute of Management.

Dr Chris Allen

He is currently Senior Lecturer and Consultant at the London Policing College, where he has delivered training courses to law enforcement in Cambodia and Saudi Arabia, as well as acting as module leader and supervising dissertation students at the University of West London at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

Concurrently, Chris is Director of Criminis Training and Consultancy services, which provides a range of solutions to law enforcement, universities and the private sector. As part of Criminis, he has been commissioned to write regular pieces on the latest organised crime trends for Policing Insight- the articles can be viewed here: Chris Allen – Policing Insight. In addition he is Honorary Research Fellow at the Buckingham University Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies.

Previously, he was Senior Police Practice Tutor at Buckinghamshire New University, where he has responsibility for the Evidence Based Research Projects undertaken by officers and is leading a joint research project on the scope for a data harmonisation approach to international organised crime investigation with the Police Foundation.

Chris is also the creator of the U BATTLE toolkit, an investigative strategy development tool that began under City of London Police in 2018 and since then has gained national and international recognition. U BATTLE uses the adapted versions of traditional business analysis techniques to improve the development of investigative strategies in order to dismantle organised crime groups.

In March 2023 he was awarded his PhD which examines the use of business analysis techniques in enhancing investigative strategy development against OCGs in March 2023. Furthermore, he is a member of the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime Network of Experts, the Society for Evidence Based Policing, the European Political Research Consortium Standing Group on Organised Crime and the International Association for the Study of Organised Crime.

During 2021 and 2022 he worked as an Associate Lecturer delivering modules on organised crime, terrorism and policing for London Metropolitan, Kingston and Liverpool John Moores Universities as well as the University of Western England.

Chris has extensive public speaking experience and has made Presentations to:, National Internet Intelligence and Investigations Conference (2018) the National Intelligence Conference 2018, the International Conference on Transnational Organised Crime and Terrorism 2019 Serious and Organised Crime Exchange 2019 (SOCEX), Gulf Cooperation Council Forensics 2019, National Analysts Working Group (2019) PSNI Analysts training day (2020), Europol SOCTA Advisory Group (2020),Investigator Organised Crime Conference (2020), Socex National Economic Crime Conference (2020), SC Ransomware Unlocked (2021), World Policing Summit Dubai (2023)


Asraful Khan

Professor Asraful Khan MCMI CMgr MSET epitomises the quintessence of scholarly excellence and professional acumen within the realm of higher education. His multifaceted career is underscored by a robust decade-long engagement with both Further and Higher Education institutions throughout the United Kingdom, including but not limited to Staffordshire University, Leeds Trinity University, and Arden University. The breadth of his pedagogical influence extends beyond national borders, as he has imparted his expertise as a visiting faculty member across numerous prestigious academic establishments in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. His extensive academic credentials—highlighted by an MBA in Finance from the University of Wales, an EMBA in Human Resource Management from the Paris School of Business, Post Graduate Certificate in Digital Education from Arden University and specialised qualification in Leadership in Organisations from the prestigious institution London School of Economics (LSE)—fortify his standing as an authority in educational discourse.

In addition to his pedagogical endeavors, Professor Khan has made substantial contributions to academic quality assurance frameworks. His esteemed roles as an External Examiner and Standard Verifier for Pearson Education manifest his unwavering commitment to upholding rigorous academic standards that ensure educational integrity. Furthermore, his involvement Cambridge Assessment (OCR) UK and ABMA as a Moderator and External Examiner serves to corroborate his meticulous approach to evaluating curricular effectiveness. Professor Khan’s scholarly pursuits predominantly encapsulate the intersectionality of entrepreneurship, innovation, and sustainability—a nexus through which he critically engages with contemporary socio-economic paradigms. His prolific output includes co-authorship of scholarly texts and participation as a director at the Academy of Policy and Research, where he has orchestrated numerous global conferences addressing pivotal themes such as sustainable development and leadership efficacy.

In the annals of professional accreditation within the domain of management and leadership, the conferment of Chartered Manager status represents a pinnacle of scholarly and practical achievement. In 2013, Professor Khan attained this prestigious designation conferred by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), an eminent body that holds the exclusive prerogative to bestow such recognition upon practitioners in the field. This accolade is not merely a token of mere participation; rather, it signifies an individual’s mastery over complex managerial frameworks and a profound understanding of strategic leadership paradigms that are crucial for fostering organisational efficacy.

Currently positioned as CEO at Westminster Central College—an institution renowned for its comprehensive suite of university programs both domestically and internationally—Professor Khan continues to redefine educational landscapes through innovative programming that resonates with contemporary global challenges. His expansive network encompasses engagements with diverse universities, colleges, and business organisations across various international contexts where he eloquently disseminates insights on entrepreneurship, quality assurance processes, and globalisation dynamics. In this capacity, he remains steadfastly committed to fostering a culture of academic excellence that transcends geographical boundaries while advocating for sustainable practices within educational ecosystems.



Dr Roy Ozanne

Roy Ozanne, MD, HMD is a holistic medical doctor and homeopath physician with a background in ecology, organic farming, environmental education and nutrition.

He has come to see that the health of our people, our environment, our economy and our society are intertwined. Health and vitality in each sector supports the others.

Truly integrated medicine is not just about combining alternative and conventional medicine but integrating healthy approaches to living into all spheres of life.

Modern culture has discarded the basic patterns of a healthy life resulting in widespread disease. Allopathic medicine attempts to patch us up but neglects to restore the basic foundations of being physically and mentally sound, so that our health remains tenuous at best. For real and sustainable well-being to last from generation to generation it must be built on fundamental principles of healthful living involving life-giving foods, a clean, wholesome environment, sound life habits and natural medicines. Our health is only as secure as the foundations that support it.

Awakened by his own failing health in his 30s and alarmed by the rapidly declining health of the people and life supporting ecosystems of our nation, Dr. Ozanne rededicated his career to learning how to rebuild health, rather than to fight symptoms of disease. He has found that as the health of individuals and communities improves, diseases of all types decline.

Dr Ozanne began as a general practitioner in 1976. He began to develop holistic approaches to healing in 1983. With Dennis Anderson, Dr. Ozanne opened The Sandhill School of the Healing Arts in 1990 and helped organize The Cress Spring Farm, Yoga and Health Retreat Center in 1998. At these centers, Dr. Ozanne developed his skills and experience integrating a wide range of healing arts, including Homeopathy, Ayurvedic Medicine, Natural Hygiene, Nutritional Therapy, Orthomolecular Medicine, Yoga, Biodynamic and Organic Farming and others.

These centers provided a range of healing modalities, highly nutritious food and organic farming in pristine retreat settings. Dr. Ozanne discovered that the combined benefits for patients exceeded the impact of any single method, and that has since guided his approach to health and healing.

In addition, Dr. Ozanne studied Biophysical, Alpine and Winter Ecology, co-authoring Winter, An Ecological Handbook, published by Big Earth Press in 1987. He taught Winter Ecology at the Teton Science School in Jackson Hole, Wyoming from 1980 to 1987.

Dr. Rashad Richey

Department Chair of Science, Law, and Philosophy
Professor of Physics

A noted philanthropist, international lecturer, and university professor, Dr. Rashad Richey holds multiple academic positions across the world, including Professor of Physics and Department Chair of Science, Law, and Philosophy at Paris Graduate School in Paris, France, Professor and Director of Institutional Advancement at Morris Brown College in Atlanta, GA-USA, Director of the Applied Medical Physics Program at OcuPrep Medical Institute, and lecturer in health equity and physics at Morehouse School of Medicine. Dr. Richey has provided keynote speeches and lecture series in social science and science disciplines for some of America’s most prestigious universities, including the University of Michigan, University of West GA, Clark Atlanta University, Mercer University, and Reinhart University, to name a few.Often saying, “What I know, you know”, Dr. Richey believes that education is not simply for knowledge but should be utilized to help transform communities. He completed doctoral research studies at Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta, Georgia-USA in higher education federal policy reform and holds a Ph.D. from the Business University of Costa Rica, where his research focused on the intersectionality of politics and religion contextualized through international policy norms. He additionally completed studies in Executive Leadership at Cornell University and was accepted into a specialty executive law program in International Financial Transactions at Harvard Law School.An Emmy-nominated television political analyst and highly respected multimedia figure, Dr. Richey has been appointed by major governmental entities and civic organizations to navigate complex policy issues. He is known for his political expertise and legal knowledge, completing studies at Azteca University earning a Doctor of Law (LLD-ABD) in International Law and a Master of Laws (LL.M) in Human Rights Studies from the University of Renaissance. Dr. Richey holds a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy & Religion and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Beulah Heights University located in SE Atlanta, GA and a Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology from Ecole Superieure Euro-Americaine.Wanting to understand more about the functionality of the human brain, Dr. Richey embarked on an intensive journey that included completing executive education in Medical Neuroscience from Duke University and obtaining his Master of Science degree in Neuroscience from the University of Pacific, where his master’s thesis critically analyzed neuronic brain activity and hemispheric harmonization through physics-based processes. His research led him to invent the Bilateral Neuronic Hemispheric Harmonization Brain Entrainment Device (BNHHBE), which received provisional patent status from the United States Patent & and Trademark Office. The BNHHBE utilizes unique quantum dynamics, sound wave frequency technology, vibracoustics, hemispheric biofeedback to increase neuronic activity, and brain plasticity, enhancing cognitive functionality. Early research indicates the device and patented process is also effective at lowering blood pressure, increasing restfulness, and improving circulatory functions. Dr. Richey enhanced his knowledge of quantized and energy-centric neurological modalities through the University of Florida’s Energy Medicine Certification program.A multidisciplinary scholar, Dr. Richey’s journey into physics did not follow the traditional academic path. After completing 43 full-length courses in physics and physics-related disciplines from 2005 – 2023 through MIT’s Open Course Ware program (non-degree program), Dr. Richey enrolled in a Master of Science program in Applied Physics and Quantum Mechanics at Universidad Empresarial, where he finished his master’s degree in January 2023. His master’s thesis was adapted into a book and quickly became one of the best-selling physics books on the Amazon platform titled, “Ancient Egyptian Mastery of Quantum Physics, Vibratory Frequency, and Geometric Sciences: An Overview of Complex Scientific Applications in Ancient Cultures”, which highlights several of Dr. Richey’s newly proposed physics theories, including the quantum phantasmagoria effect and quantum neuro-mechanics. Dr. Richey’s research interest led him to gain acceptance as a Research Fellow at the Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS) through the School of Life Information Sciences, an achievement boasted by less than 1% of the scientific community.As a teenager, Dr. Richey endured the rough streets of Metro-Atlanta, GA, and experienced the rigidness of foster care systems and gangs. Refusing to allow his atmosphere to determine his outcome, Dr. Richey overcame insurmountable odds to become an academic, media, and social leader, who strives to challenge oppressive policies daily. He has received awards and recognitions across America from community organizations, nonprofits, governments, and universities, including lifetime achievement awards from both former U.S. President Barack Obama and current U.S. President Joe Biden, making him likely the only two-time recipient of the prestigious honor.This President of Rolling Out, and trailblazing scholar with published research in multiple disciplines, Dr. Richey is a member of the National Society of Black Physicists, Philosophy of Physics, American Association of University Professors, Delta Phi Theta Law Fraternity, Piedmont Hospital Board of Directors, the American College of Physical Medicine, The Atlanta Press Club and the Atlanta NAACP.Dr. Richey recently received the Distinguished Alumni Award from Clark Atlanta University and was inducted into the National Black College Hall of Fame, which includes notable inductees like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Oprah Winfrey, Ambassador Andrew Young, and US Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.


Todd M Price

Todd M Price is a retired US Army Veteran, co-founder of the Global Counter-Terrorism Institute, and the President of the Global CT Institute Foundation. He is a renowned expert in the field of counter-terrorism, having served over 20 years in the military with a focus on counter-terrorism operations, both domestically and internationally.

In addition to his military service, Mr. Price has also been instrumental in advancing the field of counter-terrorism through his academic work. He currently serves as the Chair of Masters in International Security Studies at The Paris Graduate School-Innovative Knowledge Institute. This prestigious academic position allows him to train future leaders in counter-terrorism and security.

Through the Global CT Institute, Mr. Price has been able to extend his knowledge and experience to a wide range of organizations, including government agencies, private companies, and NGOs. His expertise is in high demand, and he has worked with many organizations to develop effective strategies for combating terrorism and preventing future attacks.

Mr. Price’s accomplishments have not gone unnoticed. He has received numerous awards and recognitions throughout his career, including a humanitarian service award, meritorious service award and conducted peacekeeping operations in the Middle East and North Africa.

Overall, Todd M Price is a true leader in the field of soft-power in counter-terrorism. Through his work with the Global CT Institute and his academic position, he continues to make a significant impact in the fight against terrorism and the pursuit of global security through education.


Amber Oquindo

Amber Oquindo is an esteemed scholar and educator specializing in International Relations, with a particular emphasis on extremist propaganda, recruitment, radicalization, and coercion. She currently holds the position of Assistant Professor at the Paris Graduate School – Innovative Knowledge Institute, where she imparts critical knowledge and insights to students in the field of international security studies.
With a rich academic background, including a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and a master’s degree in Homeland Security Management, Amber is currently pursuing a PhD in International Relations. Her academic pursuits are complemented by her hands-on experience in educating interns and professionals on international security, leadership skills, and emotional intelligence.
Amber also co-founded a foundation dedicated to promoting access to higher education globally, leveraging education as a strategic tool against terrorism. She actively contributes to academic literature and develops courses that address contemporary global challenges, focusing on her areas of expertise.
In recognition of her commitment to global education and security, Amber has been involved in various initiatives and projects that aim to equip the next generation of leaders with the necessary tools to navigate and mitigate complex international threats.
Amber Oquindo’s dedication to global security and educational excellence continues to influence a wide range of individuals and institutions, fostering a safer, more informed world.

Dr. Abdul K Nazmul

Dr. Abdul Kader Nazmul is a result oriented goal achiever of business administration with 24 years of teaching, research, management and corporate experiences with organizations in the education, service, Staffing and Recruiting, manufacturing, financial and insurance brokerage, accounting, real-estate, telecom, development, power, energy and mineral resources sectors in USA, Canada, Thailand and Bangladesh. He has completed his PhD in Human Resources Management with a full tuition scholarship at Paris Graduate School under Innovative Knowledge Institute in Paris, France in 2023. He is a team player with excellent communication, leadership and people skills.

Dr. Nazmul has so far published 30 academic articles in highly reputed international peer reviewed journals and international conference proceedings. He has also written and published a book in 2017 on Human Resource Management (fully funded by a reputed publisher in Bangladesh), which is presently taught as a reference book in several universities in Bangladesh and contributed one book chapter in Case studies in Management book which was published in India in 2007 and presently used as a reference book at several universities across India. He has also contributed one book chapter in Bangladesh Business Cases book which was published in 2021 and is used presently as a reference book at several public and private universities in Bangladesh.




Dr. Christos P. Beretas

Dr. Christos P. Beretas is Information Technology and Cyber Security Professor at Innovative Knowledge Institute in Paris, France. His research areas are:

  1. Information Technology.
  2. Cyber Security.
  3. Privacy

He holds a Ph.D degree in Cyber Security with a full scholarship from Innovative Knowledge Institute in Paris, France. Master of Science Degree in Technology Management and Bachelor of Science degree in Networking and Telecommunications, both degrees are from City University of Seattle, USA. During his studies, he was several times on dean’s list and he is a Member of Alpha Beta Kappa Honor Society, Alpha of Ohio, USA, while he is researcher at Global Foundation for Cyber Studies and Research in Washington, D.C. USA.

His research is interdisciplinary and discusses topical issues arising from new cybersecurity challenges of the 21st Century such as cyber defence, cyber strategy, IoT privacy and security, networks, privacy and security. He is developer of various software applications and author of several articles and papers about cybersecurity and privacy. Also, he is a guest and honourable speaker in various cybersecurity conferences worldwide.

Dr. Karabatsou Athanasia Ifianassa

1957 Born in Athens Greece school years in public school in Holargos Athens Greece
1974 Graduation
1974-1978 Mc Gill Univercity, Montreal, Canada, Studies in Biology, Physiology and oral medicine
1979-1984 Dental School of Athens Univercity Graduation and private dental clinic in Kolonaki Athens
1984 cooperation with Implatology Dental clinic in Bombay India directed by dr Firoz Mirza 3 years of experience in oral Surgery in Evaggelismos General Hospital
1997-2019 Initiation of a TV series programme and public speaking about Holistic Medicine and cellular food, 1st edition of my BOOK Papimi Device medical use in my clinik trained by dr Panagiotis Pappas
2003 Diplome in Homeopathy from BSY college in London England
2003-2004 Cooperation with Dr Robert Lyons in Budapest in Hungary university treating patients with KQN water and olive leaf extract
2004-2005 Studies in Homeopathy given by European Union to doctors in Pasteur Institute
2019 Public speaker about medical use of cannabis and olive leaves extract in Samos island Festival
2003-2020 Member in dr Rath Matthias Foundation (Alliance for health)



Dr Nicolas BADAOUI

Professeur Associé

Professeur depuis une dizaine d’année aux universités libanaises. Chercheur associé au CREC – St. Cyr, France. American Alumni Professor-Fullbright, ancien conseiller parlementaires et ministériel au Liban ; conseiller auprès de plusieurs sociétés régionales et internationales ; Et rédacteur de plusieurs publications (livres et articles).

Dr Ali M. Diab

Ali has been working in the field of education and training since 2007. And now, He’s Teaching advanced courses at the Management Department in Lebanese International University.
He Wrote many articles and publications in the fields of international relations, economics, organizational management. and delivered presentations in 3 languages (Arabic, French and English) in local, regional, and global events.
He participated, as a member of national delegation, in several official travel missions of the Lebanese President.

Dr. Bassel Hassan Hajjar

Dr. Bassel Hassan Hajjar is a Modern History and Geopolitics Professor at many Lebanese universities. His research areas are:

  • Modern and contemporary history.
  • Geopolitics
  • International relations

He holds a PhD degree in Modern History from the Lebanese university. Master’s in modern history from the Lebanese university, bachelor’s in modern history from the Lebanese university, Bachelor in law from the faculty of law and political and administrative sciences from the Lebanese university, Bachelor in military studies from the Military Academy, Master2 in security from Jean Moulin university, Lyon, France, and diploma in military police from Fort Leonard wood-Missouri-USA.

Supervised many master’s degrees in modern history and geopolitics and international relations. And he is a Member at the Joint Administration Board of the master’s degree in Strategic Studies-Faculty of Law and Political and Administrative Sciences – Lebanese University. He is a member of the Lebanese observatory for international and strategic relations. He is also a member of the committee for writing the military history of the Lebanese army and the reformulation of the unified Arab military history.

He has many articles and scientific studies published in Arabic, French and English in the fields of international relations, History and Geopolitics. Also, He participates periodically in preparing and delivering lectures in conferences and workshops specialized in the field of international relations, geopolitics, and contemporary and modern history.


Dr Mehiddine gained his PhD in public law / international public law  from the University of Paris. He is also holding a number of Academic and Visiting Professorships at a number of Institutions in Berlin, Paris, Vienna and Istanbul.

He is also a Legal and strategic consultant for a number of international and national organizations such as  Dpoint Group and McKinsey as well as a number of Lebanese and French official institutions and public departments. He is a certified expert and analyst in international law and strategic governance.

Mehiddine is also a Member  and legal consultant at the prestigious  London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA). He is also a Freelancer Researcher in law, strategic studies and corporate governance. He has also appeared in a number of TV channels and media organizations such as FRANCE 24, TELE LIBAN, AL JAZEERA who have sought his expert advice and opinions on topical legal and consulting issues.  He is also legal consulting advisor and certified trainer within the trainers base at the International Accredited of Trainers society ( IATSO ).


Dr. Kinda has a PhD in Law since June 2022 and a master’s in Business Law from Lebanese University. Moreover, she has achieved a master’s in Strategic Studies from the Faculty of Law in collaboration with the Lebanese Army-research and strategic studies center, and a bachelor in law from the faculty of law and political and administrative sciences from the Lebanese university. Noting that all these degrees were obtained with high grades and received commendations from the university professors.

With wide-ranging knowledge of international law, international contracts and petroleum agreements aside, she has written many articles and publications on these subjects.

Again, Dr Kinda has been part of different conferences both as an attendee and as a presenter.

At present, Dr Kinda is a university tutor at the faculty of law who has taught for many years imparting valuable information to her students.

United Arab Emirates

Dr. Mohammad El Saadany

Founder and President of the International Academy in Dubai
Professor of international political economy.

Researcher and academic in Arab and European universities
consultant and a quality expert accredited by international authorities.


Professor Dr. A.K.M. Saiful Majid

Professor Saiful Majid is considered by many in the academic field in Bangladesh as one of the most senior and premier academic of the country.  Has recently successfully completed his Directorship of The Insitute of Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka.Currently working as a Selection Grade Professor (senior most level of Professorship at the public universities in Bangladesh). He has held a number of senior management and academic positions that include Chairperson, Executive MBA and BBA Programs spanned over 10 years, and also as Chairperson, Center for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development.

Saiful received the Senior Fulbright Fellowship Award from the Department of State, USA in 2009, and successfully completed the same in 2010. Also worked as the Wells-Ghani Faculty Fellow at the Indiana University, Bloomington, USA in 2015. Received Leadership Education Award in 7th Asia’s Academic Excellence Award Ceremony in Singapore, sponsored by World Education Congress and CMO Council Asia in August 2016. Also received Bangladesh Education Leadership Award in2018. Worked as the Vice Chancellor of Eastern University, Dhaka in 2010-2011. Also worked as the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Eastern University from 2003- 2009. Currently working as a member of the Board of Trustees of Eastern University. Has a multi-dimensional professional career having been involved in teaching, consultancy and research works since 1980.

He attained his Ph.D. (Business Administration) from the University of Dortmund, Federal Republic of Germany in July 1987, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Higher Education and International Development from the University of Kassel, Federal Republic of Germany in October 1987, and an MBA from the University of Dortmund, Federal Republic of Germany in 1983. Also has an M.Sc. in Economics (with Distinction) from the Astrakhan Technical University, Russian Federation in 1979. 2 Received a Gold Medal for securing the highest marks among 33,000 candidates, Humanities Group, of the School Secondary Certificate Examination, Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education in 1969.

He has gained extensive research and consultancy work experiences as Capacity Development, Training and Testing, Business Development, Monitoring and Evaluation and SME Sector in Bangladesh. Other areas of specialization include Social Sector Development (particularly in the areas of education, poverty, socio-economic condition analysis etc.). Has worked as Team Leader in various WB, UNDP, UNICEF, Government of Bangladesh, FRG, UK Government sponsored projects. Has a good number of research publications in reputed national and international research journals. Moreover, has also excellent proficiency (writing and reading) in Bangla, English, German and Russian languages. As the Team Leader successfully completed the project on Development of a Sustainable Business Model for Union Digital Centres (UDCs) in Bangladesh, sponsored by the a2i Project of the  Prime Minister’s Office, Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh (GoB) in 2017. Has been working as a Member, National Steering Board (NSB), Water Resources Group (WRG) for Bangladesh (Gazetted by the Honourable Prime Minister’s Office, Government of Bangladesh) since 2016.


Dr. Chua Chong Keow, William.

Dr William Chua is a renowned academic of Malaysia. He is currently Managing/ Academic Director, Principal at Mantissa College/PACE in Kuala Lumpur. He has also held several senior academic positions such as Director, Department of American Degree Program &  International marketing at Stamford College Group, Head of Department and Senior Lecturer, Department of American Degree Program, Higher Education Learning Programme (HELP) University College in Kuala Lumpur, Head of Maths. Department and Lecturer, Kolej Tuanku Ja’afar, Mantin and Sultan Ismail College.

He also currently olds the post of Professor at VU School of Management, Neuchatel, Switzerland, Adjunct Professor, IPE Management School, Paris,  and Examiner at IPE Management School.

Dr William Chua earned a PhD in Multimedia Univerity, Cyberjaya and his thesis area was Intellectual Capital & Knowledge Management:  A Comparative Study in Malaysia. He earned two  MBAs, one from Central Pacific College, Australia and the second from Henley Management College/ BruneI University UK.

Sharif Uddin Ahmed Rana

I possess more than 12 years of progressive experience as a Researcher, Talent Economist, Designer, System Thinker, Entrepreneur, Mentor, Educator, People, Project, Policy Analyst, Innovator in Data and AI. I am dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge, mentorship, and human success. I develop my expertise based on sustainable people, projects, and policy analyst. I enjoy working with diverse youth populations and am enthralled by the opportunity of developing optimal educational practices.

I have published empirical papers in leading international journals based on modeling and analysis of primary data developed strategies and consulted companies on project management and business development. I am a passionate faculty who has won awards for excellence in experiential teaching.

My current research interests include the integrated world of Sustainable Development Goal, Education, and Entrepreneurship, people and project management, impact investment. Expertise in the following statistical tools: SAS, STATA, Python, R, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), and SPSS.


Abiodun Dominic Odunuga

Abiodun is an international development consultant. Having acquired over 10 years of experience in the field of sustainability, entrepreneurship and international development, Abiodun has developed and worked on projects with organizations such as the World Bank, European Union, United Nations , Africa Development Bank,and The Commonwealth across Africa and Europe.

He holds a Masters in Development Practice degree from Sciences Po, Paris. He served as the Head of Partnerships and Programs for AfricaWorks – the leading Pan-African coworking company. Abiodun also served as the project manager for the Nigeria France Tech Initiative (NFTI) launched by the Embassy of Nigeria, Paris amidst stakeholders such as the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Nigeria Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) to support the tech ecosystem between France and Nigeria.

He was an ambassador and consultant for the MATCH – a 36‑month initiative funded by the European Union (EU) aimed at providing highly skilled talents from Africa to private sector companies whose needs for qualified staff cannot be satisfied by the offer available on the EU labour market.

He is the Co-Founder and Vice President of Friends of Nigeria – a foremost diaspora organization headquartered in France that fosters socioeconomic relations between Europe and Nigeria. He brings his wealth of experience in training, project management, fundraising and business development to consult for various international organizations focusing on Africa as it relates to investment opportunities, supporting startups, and empowering small and medium scale enterprises. He regularly consults for various African government agencies as well as French agencies on economic development initiatives

Sierra Leone


Dr. Alhassan Fouard Kanu is a Public Health and Health Systems Scholar-practitioner with expertise on Health Systems Strengthening (HSS); Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH); and Health Security and Emergencies. He has extensive experience, spanning over 20 years, working with the national Ministry of Health and international NGOs in Sierra Leone and beyond. As an international public health consultant, Dr. Kanu has consulted for several agencies, such as the World Health Organization, World Bank, UNICEF, IAEA, Options UK, CRS, RTI, World Vision International, etc. With the World Health Organization, he worked as an epidemiologist and as a health systems specialist at the WHO African Regional Office (AFRO) in Congo-Brazzaville, Kenya, South Sudan, and Uganda.

Currently a PhD candidate in Health Policy Planning & Management at the Paris Graduate School, Dr. Alhassan Fouard Kanu holds a Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) degree from Walden University, USA; a Master of Public Health (MPH) from Staffordshire University, UK; an MSc in International Public Health Nutrition from Westminster University, UK; and an MBA in Public Health Management from Cumbria University, UK.

In addition, Dr. Kanu has participated in several professional short courses in Ghana (GIMPA), Germany (Heidelberg University), Kenya (AMREF International University), South Korea (Keimyung University), and the United Kingdom (Birkbeck College, Cambridge University, City University, Leeds University, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, London Imperial College, London School of Tropical Medicine & Health, and Oxford University).

Dr. Kanu is a lecturer at the Ernest Bai Koroma University of Science and Technology (EBKUST), Sierra Leone. He is a member of several professional bodies: Fellow of the African Institute of Public Health (FAIPH); Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health (FRSPH), UK; International Practitioner Member in the Faculty of Public Health (IPFPH), UK; and Member of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (MRSTMH), UK.

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