Paris Staff & Faculty

President and Founder of “Innovative Knowledge Institute” and” Paris Graduate School” Dr. Akiki is A natural communicator, motivator and leader, She has a rich and varied background spanning a 30 year period in academia including Director level positions in Administration and Finance. In her various roles as a Strategic Developer, Leader, Academic Director, Author and Mentor. Concurrently with management positions held at academic institutions. Dr. Souha has lectured on subjects such as Marketing, International Business, Entrepreneurship, and International Relations. Specialist in Education .Whether in academic or corporate environments: Souha embraces the challenges and enjoys the diversity of working with international profiles. Member of the Panel at UNESCO on October 5, 2011 “The World Teacher’s Day” Holding a Doctorate in International Relations, specialised in “The Challenges of brain based learning” and an Master in Business Administration. Souha organized conferences: “Iran nuclear situation versus the Saudi fundamentalists Salafists”.   “the French intervention in Mali and the economic and business post war”.« The Future Strategy of Sahel, Africa « « How to rebuild the Middle East Diplomacy »« Reform, Perform and Transform into Sustainable Development » and many other conferences.
Dr. Ilya Platov
Dr. Ilya Platov
Ilya Platov, Docteur d’Etudes slaves, est Maître de Conférences HDR en langue et civilisation russe à l’Institut National des Langues Orientales (INALCO). Ses activités de recherche portent essentiellement sur l’histoire des représentations et de l’imaginaire au dix-neuvième et vingtième siècle : la culture la guerre et le sentiment national en Russie, les représentations de l’Orient et des Balkans, ainsi que la théorie du mythe chez des penseurs tels que Jacob Golossovker et Aleksei Losev. Il est également chercheur au CREE, Centre de recherche Europes-Eurasie. Il a récemment organisé un colloque international à l’INALCO consacré à la Russie et la Turquie en Eurasie postsoviétique et au Proche-Orient. Spécialisation : membre associé du CREE (Centre de Recherches des Etats post-soviétiques). – Membre associé (fellow) du WAIS (World Association of International Studies), University of Stanford). Ilya Platov is an associate professor and researcher in the Russian department of INALCO, the National Institute of Languages and Oriental Civilizations in Paris. He has obtained his Habilitation in 2017 at Université Jean Moulin – Lyon 3 for his work on the Russian philosopher Ivan Ilyin. He is the author of a doctoral thesis The Slavic Crusade: War, Culture and Memory in Russia and in the Balkans, 1876-1914 [In French]. He is a specialist of Russian cultural history in the 19th-early 20th century, with a specific focus on wartime culture, sacred & symbolic sources of national identity.
Dr. David Taylor
Dr. David Taylor
David is an accomplished principal lecturer and education adviser with practical knowledge of and academic experience of the USA, European Union, and Malaysia education systems. His experience spans lecturing for undergraduates to Doctoral candidates in London, Botswana, Malaysia, and Paris. held positions as Principal of a FE college, Campus Director of Universities and Dean of a graduate business school. Through the Accreditation Service for International Colleges (ASIC) (CHEA validated) he has been trained and act as an accreditor in support of the Home Office education establishments’ verification scheme. He holds a Master in Business Administration, a research PhD in “International Business Management” and was invited by Chartered Management Institute to hold the grade of fellow.
Dr. Djamchid Assadi
Dr. Djamchid Assadi
Ph.D. of Marketing strategies and Communication Education University of Paris at Dauphine, Paris, France. Research Methodology and Epistemology Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France (auditor). M.A. of Marketing strategies and Communication (D.E.A) University of Paris at Dauphine, Paris, France. B.A. of Business Administration International Management School/E.S.C.P (École Supérieure de commerce de Paris) PICE : Permis de Conduire Informatique Européen (High skills in IT use) Books : Storytelling, Paris, 2009 Models of Different Sources of Income on the Internet Paris, 2004 Business Intelligence on the Internet, PubliUnion, Paris, 1998 Real Cases in Marketing strategies Editions BPI, Paris, 1992

Dr. Nohra is a professor (maître de conferences) in political science and a researcher and an academic director. He teaches political science, international relations, development policies he supervises master and bachelor programs and Supervises PhD dissertations, he is the Former member of the Scientific Council of University of Paris. He published 7 specialized books, published by academic editors in French and Arabic on the following topics.

  • Globalization and development policies
  • Education policies in developing countries
  • US foreign policy and Middle East
  • European foreign policy and Middle East
  • And more than 60 scientific articles. He holds a Ph.D. and 2 Masters in law


Dr. Thierry Coville
Dr. Thierry Coville

Dr. Thierry Coville is a researcher at IRIS,he is professor at Novancia where he teaches macroeconomics, international economics and country risk.Doctor in economic sciences for nearly 20 years conducting research on contemporary Iran and has published numerous articles and several books on the subject. He also works on oil economies.


Ms Anne Christine Zedler
Ms Anne Christine Zedler
Diplômes Master of Business Administration (MBA) Schiller International University, Strasbourg Diplôme des Etudes Approfondies (DEA) Université René Descartes, Paris Maîtrise Sciences Humaines Cliniques Université Paris 7, Licence Sciences Humaines Cliniques Université Paris 7
Dr. Aderemi Oladele
Dr. Aderemi Oladele

Dr. Aderemi Oladele has over 15 years experience in international development, management, research, policy analysis, diplomacy, multilateral and intergovernmental cooperation, including 9 years post-doctoral independent social science research and editorial works, team lead and executive aide in a Government’s technical mission and consultancy in a United Nations Specialized Agency. He works full time as a Research and Coordination Officer at the Permanent Delegation of Nigeria to UNESCO. He is the Founder and Lead Analyst at 3psmars International, a growing think tank on development effectiveness and Managing for Development Results (MDFR) with focus on Africa. He has also served as a visiting Associate Professor of International Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, National Open University of Nigeria from 2014 to 2016. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Political Science Education; a Masters in International Affairs and Development Policy and a PhD in International Relations and Diplomacy. His research and publications are in the following areas:

  • International development policies
  • Sustainable development
  • Development effectiveness and Managing for Development Results
  • Africa’s geopolitics and political economy.
  • International organizations

He is a member of scholarly and professional bodies, including the International Political Science Association (IPSA); the French Political Science Association (AFSP); the European International Studies Association (EISA); Nigerian Institute of International Affairs (NIIA); He presently serves as Member of the Editorial Boards of two Research Journals – the International Journal of Migration Research and Development (IJMRD); and the International Research Journal of Business and Social Science (IRJBSS).

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